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Novak Djokovic l-a învins pe Korda

Tenis Publicat de Costin Cavasi pe joi, 23:36
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Novak Djokovic defeated Korda, 6-3, 7-6.


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UPDATE / Djokovic won the match6-3, 7-6.

UPDATE / Djokovic won the first set 6-3

Djokovic returned to this tournament for the first time since 2019 and is looking for new records: he and Andre Agassi each have 6 titles here, but Nole could set a new milestone. The Serbian would also become the oldest semifinalist in the history of the tournament with today's victory, at 37 years and 10 months. He is also trying to snatch Roger Federer's record as the "oldest" champion.

Sebastian Korda, however, is in the best moment of his career. At only 24 years old, the American is ranked 25th in the ATP and would climb to 21st with a victory.

Moreover, in Adelaide, in the only previous direct confrontation, Djokovic saved a match point to beat Korda 67, 76, 64.

Grigor Dimitrov and Jakub Mensik (19 years old) have already qualified for the semifinals of the tournament. Taylor Fritz and Matteo Berrettini will compete for their last ticket at 01:00 AM, live on Primaplay.ro.

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